
Introduction: Individuals working in the sex industry continue to experience many negative health outcomes suchas sexually transmitted infections and HIV/ AIDS, owing to lack of knowledge, careless attitude, inaccessibility ofcontraceptives or practice of unprotected sex.Aims/objectives: To assess the targeted interventions done to improve the health of female sex workers (FSWs)in Amritsar.Material & Methods: This cross-sectional study, in 4 randomly selected hotspot areas under targeted intervention(TI) included 180 FSWs after obtaining written informed consent. We used one to one interview for collectingrequired information on structured questionnaire. The data was compiled using Microsoft excel and analyzedusing EpiInfo07 by calculating proportions and inferential statistics.Results: Age of study participants ranged from 19-45 years and most (66%) belonged to middle socio-economicclass. Majority (73%) were in the profession for 3-5 years. Majority i.e. 98% underwent regular health checkupsand HIV testing conducted by T.I. site. None was HIV positive. All FSWs (100%) were provided condom regularlyby T.I. site. 85% reported to have knowledge about STIs. 95% reported regular conduction of health educationprograms by T.I. site.Conclusion: Targeted interventions play a key role in conducting regular health check-ups of FSWs, impartingknowledge about STIs, its prevention and provision of condoms.

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