
In this work, molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) was synthesized and deposited on tapered optical fiber using the drop-casting technique for hydrogen (H2) detection at room temperature. A transducing platform in a transmission mode was constructed using multimode optical fiber (MMF) with a 125 µm cladding and a 62.5 µm core diameter. To enhance the evanescent light field surrounding the fiber, the fibers were tapered from 125 µm in diameter to 20 µm in diameter with a 10 mm waist. The microstructures and chemical compositions of the fabricated sensor were analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), differential X-ray (XRD), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). In addition, the gas detection properties of the fabricated sensor were studied by exposing it to various concentrations of hydrogen gas from 0.125% to 2.00%. As a result, the sensitivity, response, and recovery time were 11.96 vol%, 220 s, and 200 s, respectively. Overall, the fabricated sensor exhibits good sensitivity as well as repeatability and stability for hydrogen gas detection.


  • Hydrogen gas has a wide explosion range (4–75%), small ignition energy (0.02 mJ), and a high flame propagation speed [1]

  • The basic sensing concept of optical fiber sensors is based on the observation of any changes in the basic parameters of the modified optical signal resulting from the interaction of light through the optical fiber

  • Molybdenum oxide was deposited on tapered optical fiber using the drop-casting technique for hydrogen sensing decoction

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Hydrogen gas has a wide explosion range (4–75%), small ignition energy (0.02 mJ), and a high flame propagation speed [1]. FFiigguurree11..FFEESSEEMM iimmaaggee ooff tthhee mmuullttiimmooddee ooppttiiccaall fifibbeerr ((MMMMFF)) bbeeffoorree aanndd aafftteerr ttaappeerriinngg.. FFaabbrriiccaattiioonn ooff MMooOO3 oonn TTaappeerreedd OOppttiiccaall FFiibbeerr

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