
A detailed study has been carried out of the fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) behavior of lithium-attachment ions from three glycol polymers: linear poly(ethylene glycol), linear poly(propylene glycol), and an ethoxylated fatty alcohol. Collisional activation was carried out in the “collision octapole” of a BEoQ hybrid mass spectrometer at a translational energy of 50 eV, with collision gas air. It was found that [M + Li] + ions provide a number of advantages as precursors for practical MS/MS analysis as compared to the use of [M + H] + or [M + Na] + ions. First, [M + Li] + ions are much more intense than the corresponding [M + H] + ions. Second, [M + Li] + ions dissociate to lithiated organic fragments with reasonable efficiency, which is not the case with [M + Na] + precursors. Third, product ions are generally formed over the entire mass range for low molecular weight polyglycols. The most intense product ions are lithiated, linear polyglycol oligomers. These ions are formed via internal hydrogen transfer reactions which are facilitated by lithium (charge-induced). Two series of less intense product ions are formed via charge-remote fragmentations involving 1,4-hydrogen elimination. A fourth product ion series consists of lithiated radical ctations; these form via homolytic bond cleavages near chain ends. Overall, MS/MS analysis of [M + Li] + polyglycol ions proved to be quite useful for chemical structure elucidation.

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