
Approaches ofscientists to the definition of the notion «tactical task» are considered. The attention is paid that among the tasks ofpre-judicial investigation being solved, it’s expedient to distinguish depending on the scope the basic (general, core) and the local (intermediate), and depending on realization sphere - strategic and tactical tasks. Along with, the basic tasks may be considered as strategic because they are preconditioned by circumstances which are subjects to clarification in the general course of investigation of a concrete category of crimes. They are directed on achievement of the legal purpose, are more stable by their nature and in a lesser degree they are subjected to the influence of situational factors. Local problems should be considered as tactical because they are caused by situations arising at a certain stage of investigation.
 Under tactical task it’s necessary to understand situationally caused complicated question (problem) which arises at a certain stage of investigation, has limited, local sphere of realization, has intermediate character, intended to establish unit facts about separate elements or circumstances of a crime event and is solved by applying exclusively available tactical means. In the mechanism of tactical task solving such elements are functioning: starting position; purpose; ways and means of its achievement which relate a starting position with purpose. The basic stages (phases) of adopting tactical decision are: a) informative preparation of the decision (the analysis of the initial information, that is the analysis of an investigative situation which has developed at the moment of tactical decision making); b) statement of a tactical task, construction of current images; c) near procedure of decision-making which is realized by means of formation and comparison of reference and current images, forecasting possible variants of coming result, correction of images, choice and construction of a reference hypothesis or the program of actions.


  • Серед завдань, що постають перед слідчим, детективом, прокурором особливого значення набувають тактичні завдання як засіб установлення одиничних фактів про окремі елементи або обставини події злочину, як іманентна складова пізнавальної та конструктивної діяльності цих суб’єктів

  • The introduction of progressive European standards, the expansion of the methods of judicial protection of an individual in the criminal proceedings and the means of proof is associated with the changes in criminalistic tools, with offering of methods, techniques and technologies used in countering criminality

  • The attention is paid that among the tasks of pre-judicial investigation being solved, it’s expedient to distinguish depending on the scope the basic and the local, and depending on realization sphere – strategic and tactical tasks

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Сучасні проблеми криміналістики

The introduction of progressive European standards, the expansion of the methods of judicial protection of an individual in the criminal proceedings and the means of proof is associated with the changes in criminalistic tools, with offering of methods, techniques and technologies used in countering criminality. Головний учений секретар Національної академії правових наук України, доктор юридичних наук, професор, академік НАПрН України

Водночас доволі спірними виглядають пропозиції окремих науковців
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