
Introduction Epidemiologic data suggest that in 2007 the number of HIV infected people in Poland is nearly 11000. The purpose of the study was to assess the psychosexual problems in HIV infected patients. Methods The reaserch was based on personal questionnaire. To assess psychical wellness GHQ-28 scale was used, to assess the sexual problems we used Mell-Krat scale and BSP questionnaire. Results Mean age was 36,2 years, most of respondents were men (75%), average infection period was 8,2 years and most of respondents (37,5%) didn’t know how they had become infected. Most of them were coinfeced with HCV (81.25%). Antiretrovirusal therapy was used with most of patients (51%). The mean result obtained in Mell Krat scale was 35,3 for men (opimal is 39), women result was 46,25 (opimal for women is 55). Mell Krat scale is used to assess the sexual needs and rections. We obtained following mean results in GHQ-28 scale: somatic symptoms - 13,06, anxietyinsomn nia - 10,7, social dysfunction - 11,5, severe depression - 7,38, and were similar in women and men. Most of respondents had permanent partners (81%), in most cases partners were infected with HIV (57%). For nearly 50% patients sex plays a very important thing in their life. Conclusion The preliminary study seems to approve our hipothesis about psychosexual disturbances in HIV infected people. The group of 16 patients is to small to draw a conclusions thus study on bigger group (150 patients) are going to be performed.

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