
The importance of arteritis or endarteritis as a lesion of syphilis has become well appreciated, especially since the writings of Huebner, Baumgarten, Marchand, Rieder, Nonne, and others. Only recently, however, has sufficient emphasis been placed on the tendency of specific arteritis to appear shortly after primary infection, and on the relative frequency of isolated involvement of the arterial system as compared to the other rather more familiar forms of nervous syphilis implicating the meninges and surrounding structures of the central organ, etc. As regards the time elapsing between the occurrence of the initial sore and the intervention of symptoms of arterial disease, the tendency of recent writers on this subject, especially Nonne, of Hamburg, is to insist on the very early development of arteritis after the primary infection. The latter author quotes a case in which symptoms of cerebral softening occurred even before the primary sore had healed. Not only

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