
Although fibronectin has been implicated in cell-cell as well as cell-substratum interactions, most experimentation has focused on cell-substratum interactions of fibroblasts. We have examined the effect of the specific peptide GRGDS derived from the cell-binding sequence of fibronectin upon cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions using embryonic cells and tissues. Embryonic chick segmental plate cells undergo compaction (i.e., increased cell-cell adhesion) during the early stages of somitogenesis. Fibronectin has been implicated in this increase in cell-cell interaction. In contrast, precardiac mesoderm undergoes directional migration upon a fibronectin-rich substratum, exhibiting both cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions. The segmental plate cells, which are the precursors of embryonic somites, normally show very little cell-cell or cell-substratum interaction in culture. These cells exhibit a striking increase in intercellular adhesion, but exhibit no cell-substratum adhesion, in the presence of relatively low concentrations of the fibronectin-derived peptide GRGDS. Somite cells, which normally exhibit both cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion in culture, show complete inhibition of cell-substratum adhesion in the presence of this peptide. Precardiac mesoderm, which normally exhibits both cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesion in culture, shows a marked inhibition of both processes in the presence of GRGDS. Since the finding that a monovalent competitive inhibitor of fibronectin binding can stimulate cell-cell adhesion was unexpected, we propose a “trigger” hypothesis, whereby the peptide recognition signal acts as a specific signal or trigger for the morphogenetic process of compaction. There is a striking specificity to this effect, since synthetic peptides with even conservative changes in the amino acid sequence have no effect. Finally, we find that under certain conditions the effect of the specific peptide is lost in 6–8 hr and the cells resume cell-substratum interactions or, in the case of the segmental plate cells, revert from the compacted state and exhibit a substantial decrease in cell-cell adhesion. Our studies indicate the diversity of cell and tissue responses possible when even a single peptide inhibitor of adhesion, and we have identified the first known activating effect of a fibronectin peptide on cell behavior and differentiation.

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