
The compound SbOPO 4 was prepared two different ways: thermal decomposition of the phosphatoantimonic acid HSbP 2O 8 · xH 2O or synthesis at 1173 K from a stoichiometric mixture of Sb 2O 5 · xH 2O and (NH 4)H 2PO 4. At 1218 K SbOPO 4 undergoes a deoxidation process leading to the Sb(III) phosphate SbPO 4. SbOPO 4 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2 c with a = 6.791(1)Å, b = 8.033(1) Å, c = 7.046(1) Å, β = 115.90(1)°, Z = 4. The structure was determined from 481 reflexions collected on a NONIUS CAD4 automatic diffractometer with MoK α radiation. The final R index and weighted R w index are 0.028 and 0.035, respectively. The structure is built up from chains of corner-shared SbO 6 octahedra, parallel to the c axis, crosslinked by corner-shared tetrahedra. Each phosphate group is bonded to four SbO 6 octahedra of which two belong to the same chain. This structure is closely related to that of β-VOSO 4 and β-VOPO 4.

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