
Reaction of Co(CNS) 2 with Fe 2S 2(CO) 6, LiBEt 3H and PPh 3 in THFMeCN resulting in a novel cobalt carbonyl complex, Co(CO) 3(PPh 3) 2BEt 3 ( 1) and mixed-metal CoFeS cluster compound, [Et 4N][Fe 2Co(CO) 8S(PPh 3)] ( 2). The structures of 1 and 2 were determined from X-ray three dimension data. Structure studies reveal that 1 is a new cobalt carbonyl complex containing a novel BO bond of 1.601(5) Å in which the oxygen atom is from metal carbonyl and the B atom is from BEt 3 and 2 contained a triangular pyramid mixed-metal CoFeS core [CoFe 2S] − with CoS of 2.189, FeS of 2.208, CoFe of 2.56 and FeFe of 2.58 Å. Theoretical calculation on 1 and 2 shows that BO bonding energy of complex 1 is lower than that of normal covalent bonding and 2 possesses a calculated nonlinear optical first molecular hyperpolarizability component of 28.5×10 −30 esu. The possible formation pathway of 1 and 2 was discussed.

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