
Spirohidantoins represent an pharmacologically important class of heterocycles since many derivatives have been recognized that display interesting activities against a wide range of biological targets. First synthesis of cycloalkanespiro-5-hydantoins was performed by Bucherer and Lieb 1934 by the reaction of cycloalkanone, potassium cyanide and ammonium-carbonate at reflux in a mixture of ethanol and water. QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship) studies showed that a wide range of biological activities of spirohydantoin derivatives strongly depend upon their structure. This paper describes different methods of synthesis of spirohydantoin derivatives, their physico-chemical properties and biological activity. It emphasizes the importance of cycloalkanespiro-5-hydantoins with anticonvulsant, antiproliferative, antipsychotic, antimicrobial and antiinflammatory properties as well as their importance in the treatment of diabetes. Numerous spirohydantoin compounds exhibit physiological activity such as serotonin and fibrinogen antagonist, inhibitors of the glycine binding site of the NMDA receptor also, antagonist of leukocyte cell adhesion, acting as allosteric inhibitors of the protein-protein interactions. Some spirohydantoin derivatives have been identified as antitumor agents. Their activity depends on the substituent presented at position N-3 of the hydantoin ring and increases in order alkene > ester > ether. Besides that, compounds that contain two electron withdrawing groups (e.g. fluorine or chlorine) on the third and fourth position of the phenyl ring are better antitumor agents than compounds with a single electron withdrawing group.


  • Elektron-donorske grupe kao što je metoksi i snažne elektronakceptorske grupe poput nitro grupe, koje se nalaze u para položaju N-3-fenilnog jezgra, smanjuju delotvornost derivata ciklopropanspiro-5-hidantoina [8]

  • A novel spiro-linked hydantoins useful in the treatment of complications arising from diabetes mellitus

  • It emphasizes the importance of cycloalkanespiro5-hydantoins with anticonvulsant, antiproliferative, antipsychotic, antimicrobial and antiinflammatory properties as well as their importance in the treatment of diabetes

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Uvođenjem različitih supstituenata u N-3 i N-1 položaje hidantoinskog prstena (u strukturi spirohidantoina) nastaju farmakološki važni molekuli, interesantni kao potencijalni lekovi u tretmanu raznih bolesti. Spirohidantoinska jedinica je gradivni element selektivnih agonista i antagonista serotoninskih 5-HT receptora te su stoga pomenuti derivati spirohidantoina od važnosti kao potencijalni psihoaktivni agensi [1,2]. Spiropiperidino-hidantoinski derivati su modulatori aktivnosti hemokinskih receptora podvrste CCR5 i kao takvi su od značaja za prevenciju ili tretman infektivnih oboljenja Molekuli koji pokaziju aktivnost ka aldoza reduktazi enzimu (ALR2) privlače pažnju kao potencijalni lekovi u prevenciji ili lečenju komplikacija koje su posledica dijabetesa [4,5]. Spirohidantoini su važni kao potencijalni lekovi u lečenju kancera [6,7], epilepsije i drugih konvulzivnih poremećaja [8,9] i čitavog niza drugih bolesti. Značajni su i kao polazni reaktanti za sintezu različitih aminokiselina [10]

Cl N
Derivati spirohidantoina sa antikonvulzivnim svojstvima
Redni broj
Antiproliferativna aktivnost derivata spirohidantoina
Derivati spirohidantoina za lečenje dijabetesa
Derivati spirohidantoina sa antipsihotičkim svojstvima
Struktura O
Formula O
Antimikrobna aktivnost derivata spirohidantoina
Derivati spirohidantoina sa antiinflamatornim svojstvima
Derivati spirohidantoina sa analgetskim svojstvima
Cl Cl
Full Text
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