
Surface-enhanced Raman-scattering-based (SERS-based) biosensing in biological fluids is constrained by nonspecific macromolecule adsorptions and disposable property of the SERS substrate. Here, novel multi-Au-nanoparticle-embedded mesoporous silica microspheres (AuNPs/mSiO2) were prepared using a one-pot method, which served as reliable substrates for SERS enhancement associated with salient features of self-filtering ability and reusability. The fabrication and physical characterization of AuNPs/mSiO2 microspheres were discussed, and SERS activity of this novel substrate was investigated by using 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA) as Raman probe. The responses of our substrates to Raman intensities exhibited a SERS enhancement factor of 2.01 × 107 and high reproducibility (relative standard deviation of 6.13%). Proof-of-concept experiments were designed to evaluate the self-filtering ability of the substrates in bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human serum solution, separately. The results clearly demonstrate that mesoporous SiO2 can serve as a molecular sieve via size exclusion and avoid Raman signal interference of biomacromolecules in biological fluids. Subsequently, feasibility of practical application of AuNPs/mSiO2 microspheres was assessed by quantitative detection of methotrexate (MTA) in serum. The method exhibited good linearity between 1 and 110 nM with the correlation coefficients of 0.996, which proved that the obtained AuNPs/mSiO2 microspheres were good SERS substrates for determination of small biomolecules directly in biological fluids without need of manipulating samples. In addition, the substrate maintained its SERS response during multiple cycles, which was evaluated by recording Raman signals for 4-MBA before and after thermal annealing, thereby demonstrating the high thermostability and satisfactory reusability. These results offered the AuNPs/mSiO2 microspheres attractive advantages in their SERS biosensing.

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