
3- O-Carboxymethylcoumestrol was prepared as the hapten for immunoassay by a partial alkylation of coumestrol with ethyl chloroacetate in acetone alkalized with potassium carbonate. 3- O-Ethoxycarbonylmethylcoumestrol was separated by column chromatography and finally was hydrolyzed with formic acid. 1 H and 13 C NMR data (APT, COSY, HMQC, and HMBC) revealed that the reaction was regioselective, as 3- O-ethoxycarboxymethylcoumestrol was the only monosubstituted derivative. The hapten was then conjugated to bovine serum albumin and used for immunization of rabbits. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) system was established based on the polyclonal antiserum and a 125 I -labeled hapten-tyrosine methyl ester conjugate as the radioligand. Parameters of the RIA: sensitivity: 12 pg per tube, 50% intercept: 140 pg per tube, working range: 20–4000 pg per tube. The cross-reactivity of a panel isoflavonoid and lignan phytoestrogens was either negligible (e.g. formononetin 0.07%; biochanin A 0.06%) or not detectable at all. The major immunoreactive peak in HPLC fractions from an alfalfa extract had the same retention time as coumestrol standard and represented 94.8% of the signal. The remaining 5.2% of immunoreactivity was distributed between five minor peaks. We conclude that after the validation for particular matrices, the method will be a useful tool for analysis of coumestrol, especially in low volume and low concentration samples.

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