
Abstract Chitosan-stabilized Pt (chi-Pt) or Pd (chi-Pd) colloidal nanoparticles catalyst prepared with various chitosan–metal molar ratios and reducing agents were characterized. Chitosan could stabilize Pt and Pd with minimum chitosan:M ratio of 5:1 and 2:1 respectively. The finest and well-dispersed particles of chi-Pt or chi-Pd were obtained when methanol or NaBH 4 were used as the reducing agents. Chi-Pt and chi-Pd reduced by hydrazine gave aggregated particles in all chitosan molar ratios. Chitosan could control particle size of Pt or Pd to within 1.9–2.2 nm when CH 3 OH or NaBH 4 was used as the reducing agents. Palladium or Platinum catalysis on cyclooctene hydrogenation gave cyclooctane. Hydrogenation of octene catalyzed by chi-Pd gave octane, 2-octene and 3-octene while chi-Pt prepared by methanol reduction showed 99.99% selectivity and conversion to octane. The catalytic activity of chi-Pt was higher than chi-Pd for both the hydrogenations.

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