
Triphenylguanidinium perrhenate hemihydrate, [(C6H5NH)3C]ReO4 · 0.5H2O (I), is synthesized, and its crystal structure and some properties are studied. The colorless extended plate-like crystals of compound I are triclinic (space group \(P\bar 1\), Z = 4, 293 K, a = 9.8716(17), b = 14.093(2), c = 15.439(3)A, α = 99.632(9)○, β = 101.802(9)○, γ = 95.361(10)○). Compound I has no isostructural analogs, and the conformations of both crystallographically independent triphenylguanidinium cations differ by a higher symmetry (C3h) from those for cations of this type in all other structurally studied compounds. The following parameters are determined: the upper limit of the temperature stability of compound I (383 K), the melting point of anhydrous [(C6H5NH)3C]ReO4 (Ia) of 441 K, the enthalpy of dehydration of compound I (ΔHdehydr(383 K) = 10.0(8) kJ/mol), and the enthalpy of melting of anhydrous Ia (ΔHm(441 K) = 16.6(9) kJ/mol).

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