
A solvothermal reaction of cadmium (II) nitrate with succinic acid and isonicotinic acid creates a novel 3D metal-organic framework, [Cd3(isonicotinate)2(suc)2]n(1). Single crystal X-ray structure determination reveals that complex 1 posses two crystallographically independent Cd(II) centres. The succinate anion acts here as a heptadented ligand and binds five Cd(II) centre simultaneously. The heptacoordinated Cd(II) centres are oxo-bridged by succinate moiety and the hexacoordinated metal centres are terminally connected through four different succinate moiety to make the overall 2D sheet arrangement. In unit cell, the ratio of hexadented Cd(II) and heptadented Cd(II) is 1:2. The new compound was also characterized by luminescence spectra and compared with the luminescence spectra of the pure isonicotinic acid. A novel 3D metal–organic framework of Cd(II) has been synthesized by solvothermal reaction using two different carboxylate, succinate and isonicotinate ligands. The succinate anion acts as a heptadentate ligand and binds to five Cd(II) centers.

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