
Anthracene derivatives are an interesting class of compounds and modifications in the anthracene ring, producing different compounds with different properties. Structural analysis of anthracene derivatives with modifications in position 9,10 of the aromatic ring is necessary in order to obtain information about its properties. The introduction of groups with polar substituents increases the possibility to modify the molecule lipophilicity, corroborating its use as bioimaging probes. Anthracene derivatives are used in many biochemical applications. These compounds can react with molecular singlet oxygen [O2 (1Δg)], a reactive oxygen species, through the Diels–Alder reaction [4 + 2] to form the respective endoperoxide and to be used as a chemical trap in biological systems. Thus, the structural and crystalline characterizations of two anthracene derivatives are presented in this work to obtain information about their physical-chemical properties. The compounds were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses and scanning electron microscopy. The molecular structures of the compounds were studied by the Density Functional Theory, M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory in the gas phase. From the results obtained for the frontier molecular orbitals, HOMO and LUMO, and from the Molecular Electrostatic Potential map, it was possible to predict the chemical properties of both compounds. The supramolecular arrangements were also theoretically studied, whose molecules were kept fixed in their crystallographic positions, through the natural bonding orbitals analysis to check the stability of interactions and the quantum theory of atoms in molecules to verify the type of intermolecular interaction between their molecules, as well as how they occur.


  • Anthracene and its derivatives are an important class of compounds and have been extensively investigated in different areas

  • Anthracene derivatives diethyl-(2E,2 E)-3,3 -(anthracene-9,10-diyl)di(prop-2-enoate) (DADB) and diethyl-(2E,2 E)-3,3 -(anthracene-9,10-diyl)di(prop-2-enoate) (DEADP) were synthesized by the methodology presented by Oliveira et al [13,14]

  • Through analysis in the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM), it was possible to determine the type of interaction present according to the critical points obtained by the topological properties of both crystal systems [31]

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Anthracene and its derivatives are an important class of compounds and have been extensively investigated in different areas. Some anthracene derivatives exhibit interesting properties in the materials science area, which are involved in the composition of electronic. Adlouppetraokxeidoef aattttrraacAcAttininvvtteehhrrggaarrccooeeuunnppeessaattlloooontnthheeeeddaaoorreoeossmmnnaaoottitticcrrreerianianccgtgt wwwwoiitouthhuldOlOdd22de((c1e1r∆cΔerggae))sa,,esaaeinntdisdtsrttehhraeeecatddcivtiiirriveteyicct.ttyT.bbhiiTnnuhddsu,iinnsagg,t ooff eelleeccttrroonn-aletalsetaostneonoer, oprr,epfererafebrlayb, ltyw, otwdoondoornogrrogurpous posf oefleecltercotnros nmsumstubstebperepsreenset natt atht eth9e,190,1r0inrginpgopsoitsioitniosntso taollaolwlowcyccylocalodadditdioitnio[n4 [+4 2+] 2a]nadnsdtasbtailbizileiztehetheenednodpoeproerxoidxeid. TThhee ssyynntthheessiiss ooff nneeww ccoommppoouunnddss wwiitthhlelesssstitmimeeaannddstsetpepsstotobebeusuesdedininbiboiloolgoigcai-l csaylstseymstsemhasshbaesenbeaenchaalclhenalglen. Crystals 2021, 11, 934 derivatives with ideal characteristics for use as a fluorescent probe related to its reactivity toward O2 (1∆g) in biological systems. Anthracene derivatives diethyl-(2E,2 E)-3,3 -(anthracene-9,10-diyl)di(prop-2-enoate) (DADB) and diethyl-(2E,2 E)-3,3 -(anthracene-9,10-diyl)di(prop-2-enoate) (DEADP) were synthesized by the methodology presented by Oliveira et al [13,14]. Spectroscopic analysis by Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR). (PerkinElmer, Anápolis, GO, Brazil) was carried out in a Frontier Perkin Elmer equipment in the region of 400–4000 cm−1, recording by 14 scans of accumulations using KBr pellets (PerkinElmer, Anápolis, GO, Brazil)

Thermogravimetric Analysis
X-ray Crystallography
Hirshfeld Surface Analysis
Molecular Modeling Analysis
Spectroscopy Analysis
Solid State Studies
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