
Some new metal(II) complexes, [M = Mn (1), Co (2), Ni (3), Cu (4), and Zn (5)] of 2-acetylpyridine benzoylhydrazone ligand (HL) containing trifunctional NNO-donor system have been synthesized and crystallographically characterized for the complex 1 and 5. The complexes consist of two ligands to give sixcoordinate, which are bonded to the metal atom on a meridional plane through acetylpyridine ring nitrogen, azomethine nitrogen, and benzoyl oxygen atoms, respectively. The coordination geometry for other complexes was identified on the basis of the physicochemical data by elemental analyses, FAB -MS, IR, NMR, and electronic spectral measurements. The resulting data indicated that the complexes are accordance with the above formulation.

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