
Epoxy resin of 9,9′-bis-(3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxyphenyl) anthrone-10 (EANBr, EEW 490) was synthesized and was characterized by IR and 1HNMR . EANBr and EPK3251 cured resin (EANBrC) were characterized by DSC and TGA at 10°Cmin−1 under nitrogen atmosphere. Broad DSC endothermic transitions of EANBr (265.3 °C) and EANBrC (291.4 °C) are due to some physical change and further confirmed by no weight loss in their TG thermograms. EANBr and EANBrC are thermally stable up to 340 °C and 310 °C, respectively. EANBr has followed single step degradation kinetics, while EANBrC has followed two step degradation kinetics. EANBr followed apparently zero order kinetics, while EANBrC followed apparently second order (1.80) and first order (0.89) degradation kinetics, respectively. Ea and A values of EANBrC (299.7 kJmol−1 and 6.32 × 1020 s−1) were found higher than that of EANBr (201 kJmol−1 and 2.45 × 1013 s−1) due to more rigid nature of EANBrC. The ΔS* value of the first step degradation of EANBrC (146.3 JK−1 mol−1) was found much more than that of EANBr (4.6 JK−1 mol−1). Jute – EANBr composite (J-EANBr) was prepared by compression molding technique at 120 °C for 5 h and under 20 Bar pressure. The observed tensile strength, flexural strength, electric strength and volume resistivity of J-EANBr are 24.7 MPa, 19.0 MPa, 1.8 kVmm−1 and 3.5 × 1012 ohm cm, respectively. Water absorption in J-EANBr was carried out at 30 ± 2 °C against distilled water, 10% NaCl, 10% HCl, 10% HNO3, 10% H2SO4, 10% NaOH, and 10% KOH and also in boiling water. The equilibrium time and equilibrium water content for J-EANBr in different environments are 384–432 h; 12.7–15.2%, respectively. The observed equilibrium water content and diffusivity trends of J-EANBr are KOH>H2SO4>HCl>NaOH>H2O>NaCl and H2O>NaCl>NaOH>H2SO4>HCl>KOH, respectively. Good thermo-mechanical, electrical properties and excellent hydrolytic stability of J-EANBr may be useful for high temperature applications in diverse fields.

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