
In this paper, I argue for a new analysis of preverbal subject positions in Standard Arabic and claim that the subject in SV order can appear in two different positions. To support my analysis, I examine the distribution of preverbal subjects in Standard Arabic vis-à-vis negation markers, adverbial phrases, auxiliaries, floating quantifiers, emphatic reflexives, and apposition structures. In this respect, I introduce a new analysis in which I argue that there exist two syntactic positions for the preverbal subject in Standard Arabic, namely spec-TP, which hosts lower grammatical subjects, and spec-SubjP, which hosts higher subjects of predication, along lines discussed in Cardinaletti (2004). The corollary of this investigation leads to a syntactic mapping of the inventory of functional categories that can project between CP and TP, and provides a minimal account for parametric differences in preverbal subject positions in other related languages.

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