
Abstract A new araphid diatom genus, Synedropsis Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen, is described from sea ice. The generitype, Synedropsis hyperborea (Grunow) Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen from the Arctic, was first described as a species of Synedra, as was the antarctic Synedropsis fragilis (Manguin) Hasle, Syvertsen et Medlin. A second antarctic species of Synedropsis is a new combination of Cymatosira laevis Heiden in Heiden & Kolbe. In addition four new taxa, S. hyperboreoides Hasle, Syvertsen et Medlin, S. recta Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen, S. lata Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen and S. lata var. angustata Hasle, Medlin et Syvertsen are described from the Antarctic. The valve wall is laminar with uniseriate, often poorly developed striae and a wide sternum. Each valve possesses apical fields composed of slits. A labiate process is positioned near one apical slit field. The valve outline for most species exhibits considerable stadial variation. The girdle has several bands, most with one row of poroids close to the p...

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