
One of the most common symptoms in developing country cities today is gentrification. Gentrification is the recessive of residence of economically weak groups by strong investors. This study tries to examine gentrification in Yogyakarta urban area and its implications for the sustainability of Yogyakarta city. The spatial approach is used in this study considering that space is an integral part of a city which is a place for various urban activities and functions. In general, this research aims to: (1) Identifying the symptoms of gentrification in the Yogyakarta Urban Area; and (2) Assessing the implications of gentrification on urban sustainability. This research is a study in the field of geography with the main focus on the spatial approach. The data analysis framework in this study consisted of two kinds, namely spatial analysis and descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that (1) the symptoms of gentrification in the Yogyakarta urban area had occurred in several places, and (2) the gentrification that occurred had implications for the sustainability of the city, both positive and negative.

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