
The remanant polarization in ferroelectric materials appear due to some lattice hindrances which do not allow the domains and their constituting unit cells to relax back to their previous orientations at zero value of sweeping field. This tendency appears in the form of capacitance due to shaking-up of the positive and negative charge centers of the structural unit cells in every domain leading to movement of charges throughout the system. It is this kind of movement and not the permanent dipole moment of the charges in the ferroelectric sample which becomes the cause of capacitance and hence helps the system to store energy from the applied electric field over there; the stored energy in the ferroelectric sample can be stripped off with the application of some minimum reverse field called activation field for polarization reversal. Landauer modeled average polarization current over the switching time and related rate of polarization switching with some minimum applied field below which polarization switching shall be too slow to attain saturation stage of polarization during the life time of the experiment designed for the purpose and accordingly the sample, in spite of being ferroelectric, shall not translate to ferroelectric hysteresis loop. In this paper ferroelectric switching analysis of equal wt% NaNO2-PVA composite fabricated at elevated temperature is carried.

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