
Traditionally, container cranes are modeled as a simple pendulum, witheither a flexible or a rigid hoisting cable, and a lumped mass at theend of that cable. In the case of large container cranes, the actualconfiguration of the hoisting mechanism is significantly different. Itconsists typically of an arrangement of four hoisting cables, which arehoisted from four different points on the trolley and attached on theload side to four points on a spreader bar used to lift containers.Thus, the dynamics of the actual container-crane hoisting assembly isdifferent from that of a simple pendulum. A controller design based onthe actual model is more likely to result in an improved response. Inthis work, a mathematical model of the actual container crane isdeveloped. Then, a simplified version of this model is used to calculatethe gain and delay for the delay controller developed earlier. Numericalsimulations are performed by applying the delay controller to the fullnonlinear model of the container crane.

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