
Maya adult crania from the site of Lamanai, Belize provide a retrospective means of examining growth processes in the cranial vault. The Lamanai population practiced fronto-occipital deformation which is found to be significantly associated with premature sagittal synostosis and wormian bones of the lambdoidal suture. The undeformed members of the population also exhibit an abnormally high frequency of sagittal synostosis, but a significantly lower frequency than the deformed sample. It is suggested that the deforming apparatus creates tensile forces on the sagittal suture during the peak period of growth of the parietals, and that these forces might induce an adaptive response important in producing premature sagittal synostosis. The undeformed sample may have an increased congenital risk of sagittal synostosis created by their natural brachycephalic morphology in utero. The frequency patterning of wormian bones suggests a mixture of genetic and environmental causes in which tensile forces may also play a role. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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