
Most frogs have weak jaws that play a relatively minor role in tongue-mediated prey capture. Horned frogs (Ceratophrys spp.), however, follow the projection of a large tongue with a vice-like grip of their jaws to hold and immobilize prey. Prey include relatively large vertebrates, which they may restrain for minutes to possibly hours. High endurance behaviors, such as prolonged biting, require that muscles be capable of sustained force production. The feeding behavior of Ceratophrys suggests that their jaw-adductor muscles may be capable of powering sustained bites for long periods. We examined the capacity for sustained bite force by conducting an in situ experiment during which we measured bite force while bilaterally and supramaximally stimulating the jaw-adductor muscles of euthanized Cranwell's horned frogs (C. cranwelli). Muscles were stimulated for at least 60 min with a series of tetanic trains, with one experiment lasting over 6 h. We found that a significant sustained force develops during the first few minutes of the experiment, and this force is present between tetanic trains when the muscles are not being stimulated. The sustained force persists long after tetanic forces are barely detectable. The observed sustained force phenomenon parallels that observed for the jaw-adductor muscles of alligator lizards (Elgaria), another animal capable of sustained biting. The ability to bite with sustained and significant force by C. cranwelli may be facilitated by a configuration of different muscle fiber types, such as slow tonic fibers, as well as specializations in the muscle fibers that mitigate the effects of fatigue.

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