
Oil and to a lesser extent natural gases and coal are the foundations of current civilization. The fast depleting oil and natural gas resources, growing global concerns on climate change and environmental pollution, widening gap between the rich and the poor, over-consumerism and increasing instability of conventional energy markets have re-highlighted the importance of incorporating sustainability and equity in emerging energy policy and planning, the two issues that were in the world priority agenda for decades. Do emerging energy policies introduced in countries adequately respond to these two important aspects? This paper critically looks at the energy policies of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to investigate how far sustainability and equity are reflected in national energy policies as important guidelines. “Integrated Energy Policy – India: Report of the Expert Committee”, “New and Renewable Energy Policy Statement 2005 – India”, “Policy for the Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation – Pakistan”, “National Energy Conservation Policy – Pakistan”, “National Energy Policy and Strategies – Sri Lanka” and “Sustainable Energy Authority Act – Sri Lanka” are analyzed to see how “sustainability” and “equity” are included as cosmetics in policy documents to achieve different objectives (such as to bringing the energy sector under market mechanisms so that profit earning is possible) and comparative strengths and weaknesses of country policies mentioned above when the policies do address the concerns of sustainability and equity. Availability of concrete and dedicated plans to achieve energy independence and security, diversified fuel mixes with signification renewable elements, energy conservation and demand-side management and for R&D are used as guidelines in investigating “sustainability”. How effective the emerging policies would be in addressing the energy needs of the poor and the low income groups and closing the disparity gap of energy use would be the guidelines assess “equity”.

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