
The newer quinolone derivatives have been frequently reported to have excellent activity against many grampositive and gram-negative bacteria of clinical importance (1–3). Since data for Legionella species have been published in only one study (4), we evaluated the susceptibility of 30 strains of Legionella pneumophila (serogroup 1–7; 18 of clinical origin, 12 from environmental sources; 22 isolates from Europe, 8 strains from ATCC) and 8 strains of other Legionella species (Legionella micdadei, Legionella bozemanii, Legionella gormanii, Legionella dumoffii, Legionella oakridgensis, Legionella jordanis, Legionella longbeachae, all from ATCC). The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by agar dilution technique on BCYEα agar with an inoculum of 104–105 colony forming units (CFU) per spot. Plates were incubated for two days at 35 °C in a moist atmosphere enriched with 5 % CO2. The last dilution at which there was no visible growth was defined as the MIC.

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