
Abstract We describe survival patterns during the postfledging period for two species of grassland birds in Missouri. We monitored 155 radio-marked juvenile Dickcissels (Spiza americana) and 107 juvenile Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna; hereafter meadowlark) in southwestern Missouri, from 2002 to 2004. We used an information theoretic approach to evaluate support for biological, temporal, and spatial covariates on survival estimates using Cox proportional hazards models, and also identified cause-specific mortality. For Dickcissels, the model with biological covariates containing body mass had the lowest score using Akaike's information criterion, corrected for small sample sizes (AICc) and almost twice the support of the second-best model. For meadowlarks, the null model had the lowest AICc score, but the second-best model containing body mass was also competitive (within 2 AICc units), so we used the latter model for inference. Hazard ratios indicated that a 1 g increase in body mass was associated...

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