
One alternative to an allogeneic transfusion is the salvaging of the patient's own shed blood. In this study, baboon blood was allowed to clot and the RBCs that were released from the clotted blood lysed with and without urokinase were washed before autologous transfusion. Forty-four studies were done in 13 baboons (Papio cynocephalus or Papio anubis) over a 3-year period. In 24 studies, a 50-mL volume of blood was collected without an anticoagulant and stored at 22 degrees C for as long as 72 hours before washing and autologous transfusion. In 20 other studies, a 50-mL volume of blood was collected without an anticoagulant and allowed to clot for 30 to 60 minutes. Urokinase, ranging from 2,500 to 10,000 units per mL, was added, and the blood was stored at 22 degrees C for 24 hours before washing and autologous transfusion. RBCs that were stored at 22 degrees C without urokinase for 24 hours exhibited an in vitro recovery value of 45 percent, a (51)Cr 24-hour posttransfusion survival of 86 percent, and an index of therapeutic effectiveness of 39 percent. The (51)Cr T(50) value was normal at 14 days, and RBC oxygen-transport function was slightly reduced. RBCs that were stored at 22 degrees C for 24 hours with 10,000 units per mL of urokinase exhibited an in vitro recovery value of 89 percent, a (51)Cr 24-hour posttransfusion survival value of 86 percent, and an index of therapeutic effectiveness of 76 percent. The (51)Cr T(50) value was normal at 14 days, and the RBC oxygen-transport function was only slightly reduced. Autologous baboon RBCs isolated from clotted blood treated or not treated with urokinase and washed before transfusion have excellent survival and normal or only slightly reduced oxygen-transport function.

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