
AbstractThe main objective of this project was to provide baseline data on faecal parasites of groups of non‐human primates from Tambopata Research Center, Tambopata National Reserve, Peru. All primate species found in this area were sampled: red howler monkeys Alouatta seniculus, night monkeys Aotus vociferans, spider monkeys Ateles bezlebuth chamek, brown titi monkeys Callicebus brunneus, white‐fronted capuchins Cebus albifrons, brown capuchins Cebus apella, saddleback tamarins Saguinus fuscicollis and squirrel monkeys Saimiri sciureus. Individuals from four howler monkey troops, three brown titi monkey troops, two squirrel monkey troops and one troop each of night monkeys, spider monkeys, brown capuchins, white‐fronted capuchins and saddleback tamarins were sampled. Faecal samples were collected from July to October 2002 from 86 individuals. A concentration test was used to analyse faecal samples. Results indicate the presence of various protozoans, Ancyclostoma sp., Ascaris sp., Strongyloides stercoralis, Trichuris trichiura, Prosthenorchis elegans and Schistosoma mansoni.

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