
This paper is, in a first stage, devoted to establishing a topological–algebraic characterization of the principal component, U0(M), of the set of unitary elements, U(M), in a unital JB⁎-algebra M. We arrive to the conclusion that, as in the case of unital C⁎-algebras,U0(M)=M1−1∩U(M)={Ueihn⋯Ueih1(1):n∈N,hj∈Msa∀1≤j≤n}={u∈U(M): there exists w∈U0(M) with ‖u−w‖<2} is analytically arcwise connected. Actually, U0(M) is the smallest quadratic subset of U(M) containing the set eiMsa. Our second goal is to provide a complete description of the surjective isometries between the principal components of two unital JB⁎-algebras M and N. Contrary to the case of unital C⁎-algebras, we shall deduce the existence of connected components in U(M) which are not isometric as metric spaces. We shall also establish necessary and sufficient conditions to guarantee that a surjective isometry Δ:U(M)→U(N) admits an extension to a surjective linear isometry between M and N, a conclusion which is not always true. Among the consequences it is proved that M and N are Jordan ⁎-isomorphic if, and only if, their principal components are isometric as metric spaces if, and only if, there exists a surjective isometry Δ:U(M)→U(N) mapping the unit of M to an element in U0(N). These results provide an extension to the setting of unital JB⁎-algebras of the results obtained by O. Hatori for unital C⁎-algebras.

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