
In the rise of Mediterranean civilization and Mediterranean sea trade the onset of piracy was an important event. Due to the supremacy of one or two powers in the Mediterranean until the start of the Hellenistic period, piracy had not occured in Medi­terra­ne­an. During the Hellenistic period due to con­stant wars between kings, piracy filled the space in the absence of control. Since the Roman Empire for­c­ed the Seleucid withdrawal from the eastern part of the Taurus Mountains, Cilicia’ shores became a natu­ral home for pirates. The pirates who settled in Cilicia not only threatened trade in the Mediterra­nean, but organized looting expeditions that extended to Italy. This began to concern Rome and Scipio Aemilianus to solve the problem of piracy, Marcus Antonius, Sulla sent to the commanders of Dolabella, and as Servilius. fightings of Pirates and Romans prolonged in the land and sea. Despite large defeats for the pi­rates, piracy continued to exist. The pirates had great support from the local people who were struggling with poverty. Ro­me finally sent Pompeius to establish authority over Asia Minor, and also to solve the prob­lem of pi­racy. Pompey found solutions for the problem of piracy, by taken measures in the area, mili­tary action against the pi­rates in Cilicia and moving people to other areas. Moreover Pompeius established the Syri­an Province and so exercised control over all the ports that the pi­rates could have sought refuge in.

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