
Possibilities and options of surgical treatment of complications of Crohn’s disease in the general surgical hospital are considered. Patients underwent various surgical interventions: ileum resection with «side-to-side» anastomosis (4 patients), resection of ileocecal department with the formation of ileoascendoanastomosis (2 patients), total coloproctectomy with the formation of ileostomy (2 patients), right-sided hemicolectomy (1 patient), obstructive resection of transverse colon (1 patient), obstructive resection of sigmoid colon (2 patients). Postoperative complications developed in 3 patients (25%), among them: postoperative wound suppuration - 2, dehiscence of anastomosis in 1 patient, which led to the formation of internal intestinal fistula and death. It was found that with limited lesions of colon in Crohn’s disease (less than a third of the colon) can be limited to resection of the affected segment with formation of intestinal anastomosis in the limits of healthy tissues. In the presence of lesions in the ascending department of colon proximal border of resection should be at the level of middle colic vessels with preservation of the latter. In long Crohn’s disease of colon with severe clinical manifestations of the operation of choice is a subtotal resection of colon with the imposition of single-barrel ileostomy. Surgical treatment of complicated forms of Crohn’s disease is in all cases performed in surgical profile hospitals, taking patients by ambulance. Most often, patients have delayed indications for operations, which gives the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive preoperative preparation. In all cases, complications of Crohn’s disease requires an individual approach, which combines conservative and surgical treatment. Surgical intervention is determined by the shape and characteristics of the course of complications of Crohn’s disease.

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