
The surface structure of the cochlear duct was investigated on experimental animals with light microscope by means of the silver nitrate staining, which gave a fine contrast. The horizontal processes of the interdental cells (superficial cells of the spiral limbus) were rectangular in shape and they formed a radiating mosaic pavement under the inserted portion of the tectorial membrane. The inner spiral sulcus cells became smaller towards the border cells at the free surface. The reticular lamina showed, as a whole, a very regular framework composed of hairs and supporting cells. At the border between Hensen's and Claudius's cells, one row of spirally arranged epithelial cells was observed. The spiral prominence cells and the marginal cells of the vascular atria were clearly viewed from the side of the scala media. Between the marginal cells of the vascular atria and the spiral prominence cells as well as the epithelial cells of the Reissner's membrane, some rows of large spindle-shaped cells were observed on the endolym-phatic surface running parallel with the vascular atria from the base to the apex of the cochlea.

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