
An EIT (electromagnetically induced transparency)-based prism coupler is suggested for realizing tunable re∞ection spectrum via quantum coherence of phases in a multilevel system, where destructive and constructive quantum interference will occur among multilevel transition pathways that are driven by two external control flelds. In this prism coupler, a semiconductor-quantum-dot (SQD) medium layer, which can exhibit EIT and relevant quantum coherent efiects, bounds the prism base, and the two external control flelds are used to manipulate the probe fleld and the excited surface plasmon wave (on the SQD layer surface). Then the surface plasmon wave modes, which are generated by the probe fleld incident into this multilevel SQD medium layer, can be coherently tunable through the switchable quantum interference (destructive and constructive quantum interference) among the energy levels in the SQD systems. Such switchable quantum interference can be realized if we tune the intensities (i.e., adjust a proper intensity ratio) of the two control flelds that drive the SQD multilevel EIT system. New switchable photonic devices, which could flnd applications in photonic microcircuits as well as some areas in integrated optical circuits, could be designed based on this quantum-interference switchable surface plasmon resonance.

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