
Hybrid plasmids were constructed in vitro by linking the Inc P-1 broad host range plasmid RK2 to the colicinogenic plasmid ColE1 at their EcoRI endonuclease cleavage sites. These plasmids were found to be immune to colicin E1, non-colicin-producing, and to exhibit all the characteristics of RK2 including self-transmissibility. These joint replicons have a copy number of 5 to 7 per chromosome which is typical of RK2, but not ColE1. Unlike ColE1, the plasmids will not replicate in the presence of chloramphenicol and are maintained in DNA polymerase I mutants of Escherichia coli. In addition, only RK2 incompatibility is expressed, although functional ColE1 can be rescued from the hybrids by EcoRI cleavage. This suppression of ColE1 copy number and incompatibility was found to be a unique effect of plasmid size on ColE1 properties. However, the inhibition of ColE1 or ColE1-like plasmid replication in chloramphenicol-treated cells is a specific effect of RK2 or segments of RK2 (Cri + phenotype). This phenomenon is not a function of plasmid size and requires covalent linkage of RK2 DNA to ColE1. A specific region of RK2 (50.4 to 56.4 × 10 3 base-pairs) cloned in the ColE1-like plasmid pBR313 was shown to carry the genetic determinant(s) for expression of the Cri + phenotype.

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