
The model rat for the type 2 diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in human were observed for 72 weeks after birth, administering an organic germanium compound [Bis(2-Carboxyethyl) germasesquioxane, Ge-132] perorally 100 mg/kg/day since 24 weeks old. Clinical examinations were followed throughout the observation period. Blood and urinary glucose in positive control OLETF rats tended to be higher than those treated with Ge-132. At the end of the 72nd week, animals were sacriificed to examine the pathological changes, specifically in pancreas, kidney and brain. Anti-AGE antibody stained proximal and distal tubles and basement membrane of glomerules in kidney, and accumulated AGE masses in cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of OLETF rat's brain. Amyloid stains by basic congo red on kidney and brain revealed that the deposits of amyloid in kidney mesangium and in cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum were observable in OLETF rats. Ge-132 suppressed the deposition of amyloid tangles in kidneys and brains. Anti rat complement C'3 antibody reacted with AGE and amyloid tangles that were sensitive to anti-AGE antibody. AGE generated in vitro by incubating human serum, human gammaglobulin (HGG), or bovine serum albumin (BSA) with glucose activated complements, showing the consumption of complements in the hemolysis of hemolysin-coated sheep red blood cells. A novel device Quantum Resonance Spectrometer (QRS) could read the subtle bio-magnetism memorized in serum samples, demonstrating quantitative values reflecting the patho-physiology of OLETF rats.

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