
Background: One of the novel interventions to improve immunization coverage is Supportive supervision which is described as a process of helping staff involved in immunization to improve their work performance continuously. The present study was done as a part of RIPDSS initiative with the objective to assess the effect of supportive supervision on the performance of District & Sub-District Vaccine Storage points of Agar-Malwa district. A facility-based, cross sectional study was Material & Methods: conducted in November & December 2022. Structured Questionnaire as a part of standard supportive supervision checklist prescribed by Government of India was used for data collection & assessment was done based on scores obtained in various components in the rst and second visit. On the spot problem solving along with feedback was also given to the vaccine & cold chain staff. Cumulative score of 211 Results: (70.33%) and 246 (82%) out of 300 was obtained in the rst and second supervision visit of DVS respectively. In the rst and second visit of SubDVS, scores obtained were 132 (40.62%) and 217 (66.76%) out of 325. Apart from overall improvement, score of vaccine management component improved in both DVS & Sub-DVS but that of CCE maintenance declined in Sub-DVS. If the logistical, physical, and Conclusion: human resources are in place to improve service delivery, a supportive supervisory method can be more effective in enhancing the cold chain maintenance process. Frequent follow up visits are also required for this method to be effective

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