
Accumulated research findings call into question the ability of established corporations to develop and manage new ventures successfully. This article argues that the problem comes in large part from failing to differentiate between the requirements of administrative management—geared to managing existing activities and holding things in place to ensure continuation of already-developed activities—and the requirements of entrepreneurial management—designed to create change by developing something new. The two kinds of management are in tension and may interfere with each other, but every established organization needs both in order to get both innovation and efficiency. Innovations and new ventures have four particular characteristics that account for their special management requirements: uncertainty, knowledge-intensivity, competition with alternative courses of action, and boundary-crossing. Thus entrepreneurial management to support creation of the new puts a stress on such features as visionary leadership, “patient money,” planning flexibility, team continuity/stability, and interfunctional cooperation. But the usual requirements of administrative management in established corporations contradict these principles. Thus some companies try to set their new ventures apart from the old to avoid conflicts in management requirements. However, this this only partially solves the problem. All companies need both to manage ongoing activities and to create new ones—with the proportions of each depending on the nature of the business. They need to strike a balance between administrative and entrepreneurial management. The problem of venture development in established corporations occurs when administrative management comes to dominate and innovation is not valued sufficiently. The command system of administrative management needs to be replaced by a mutual adjustment system. High innovation companies build mutual adjustment into their design. They allow flexibility to move into an entrepreneurial mode. They are characterized by broader jobs: structures built around small business units or functionally complete project teams; cultures stressing the ability of people to contribute more over time; and easy access to the key “power tools” of information, support, and resources. A more entrepreneurial corporation minimizes hard-and-fast rules and procedures governed by a rigidly defined command structure and emphasizes instead flexibility and broadly-skilled sets of employees in flexible units that can be grouped or regrouped as changing circumstances require. Large corporations must institute deliberate programs to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, including removing the roadblocks of unnecessary administrative requirements; encouraging integration across departments and functions: changing budgeting and accounting procedures and providing internal venture capital and special project funds; discretionary time; and new business performance measures.

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