
We analyze the problem of optical superresolution (OSR) of a one-dimensional (1D) incoherent spatial signal from undersampled data when the support of the signal is known in advance. The present paper corrects and extends our previous work on the calculation of Fisher information (FI) and the associated Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB) on the minimum error for estimating the signal intensity distribution and its Fourier components at spatial frequencies lying beyond the optical band edge. The faint-signal and bright-signal limits emerge from a unified noise analysis in which we include both additive noise of detection and shot noise of photon counting via an approximate Gaussian statistical distribution. For a large space-bandwidth product, we derive analytical approximations to the exact expressions for FI and CRB in the faint-signal limit and use them to argue why achieving any significant amount o unbiased bandwidth extension in the presence of noise is a uniquely challenging proposition. Unlike previous theoretical work on the subject of support-assisted bandwidth extension, our approach is not restricted to specific forms of the system transfer functions, and provides a unified analysis of both digital and optical superresolution of undersampled data.

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