
Rifat M, Subagyo YBP, Pratitis W. 2008. Supplementation effect of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) meal in ration on male local rabbit performance. Biofarmasi 6: 58-63. Rabbit was the alternative livestock which could be used to fulfill the increasing demand of animal protein. The meat of rabbit has smooth structure, shape and color as chicken meat, with protein which higher than cattle, sheep and pork, and also low cholesterol. To increase rabbit productivity, it could be reached by giving temulawak meal as additive feed which could stimulate stomach depletion and a passion to eat. This research aimed to determine the supplementation effect of temulawak meal (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) in ration on male local rabbit performance. It was held in Gulon village, Jebres district of Surakarta regency since November 28th, 2007 until January 8th, 2008. This research used 24 male local rabbits with average body weight 727.79±97.3 grams divided into four treatments and six replications, each replication consisted of a rabbit. The diets included rendeng (peanut tree) and concentrate with a ration of 70:30. The treatments were P0 (70% rendeng and 30% concentrate) as control diet, P1 (control diet + 2% temulawak meal), P2 (control diet + 4% temulawak meal), and P3 (control diet + 6% temulawak meal). Variable measured were feed intake, average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, and feed cost per gain. Data from the research result was analyzed with a variance analysis based on a completely randomized design with one-way classification. The results showed that the average of four treatments (P0, P1, P2 and P3) in series for feed intake were 51.89; 53.85; 50.02 and 55.57 (gram/head/day), average daily gain were 6.41; 6.21; 4.86 and 6.03 (gram/head/day), feed conversion ratio were 9.22; 8.83; 11.21 and 9.44, and feed cost per gain were Rp31.63; Rp32.18; Rp41.90 and Rp36.19. Variance analysis result was not significant (P≥0.05). Based on the results, it could be concluded that temulawak meal supplementation in ration did not effect on male local rabbit performance.

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