
<p>PDF file, 59K, S1. Reduced attachment of 6BIO treated T24 cells as determined by xCELLigence experiments (left). DMSO treated cells served as control. S2. Representative images of scratch assays of T24 cells treated with 6BIO,vMe-6BIO, 5BIO and 7BIO. S3. Chemical structures of 5BIO, 6BIO, Me-6BIO and 7BIO. S4. Treatment of HuH-7 hepatocellular cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 and 4T1 breast cancer cell lines with 3microM 6BIO strongly reduced the migratory potential, as shown by wound healing assays. S5. Representative images of filter areas counted in the Boyden chamber assays described in Figure 1D. S6. Boyden chamber assays revealed no inhibition of migration after treatment of T24 cells with the CDK-inhibitor Roscovitine. S7. No induction of apoptosis was observed after treatment of T24 cells with 10mM LiCl, 10microM Roscovitine, 10microM GSK2334470, 1microM Saracatinib and 10microM Jak-Inhibitor I for 48h, as determined by FACS assays. S8. Inhibiting Jak1, PDK1 or GSK3� using specific siRNAs or a combination of them has no influence on apoptosis (A) or proliferation (B) of T24 cells. Table S1. Nicoletti assays revealed no induction of apoptosis after treatment of HuH- 7, MDA-MB-231 and 4T1 cells with low concentrations of 6BIO.</p>

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