
NGC 5548 is one of the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) selected for our long-term spectroscopic monitoring with the Lijiang 2.4 m telescope, aiming at investigating the origin and evolution of broad-line regions (BLRs), accurately measuring the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), and understanding the structure and evolution of the AGN. We have performed five-season observations for NGC 5548 with the median sampling interval ranging from 1.25 to 3 days. The light curves of the 5100 Å continuum and broad emission lines are measured after subtracting contamination of the host galaxy starlight. The time lags of the broad He ii, He i, Hγ, and Hβ lines with respect to the 5100 Å continuum are obtained for each season and their mean time lags over the five seasons are 0.69, 4.66, 4.60, and 8.43 days, respectively. The Hγ and Hβ velocity-resolved lag profiles in the seasons of 2015, 2018, 2019, and 2021 are constructed, from which an “M-shaped” structure is found in 2015 but disappears after 2018. Our five-season reverberation mapping (RM) yields an average virial SMBH mass of M •/107 M ⊙ = 14.22, with a small standard deviation of 1.89. By combining the previous 18 RM campaigns and our five-season campaign for NGC 5548, we find that there exists a time lag of 3.5 yr between the changes in the BLR size and optical luminosity. In addition, we construct the BLR radius−luminosity relation and the virial relation for NGC 5548.

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