
We construct gravitational solutions that holographically describe two different d = 4 SCFTs joined together at a co-dimension one, planar RG interface and preserving d = 3 superconformal symmetry. The RG interface joins mathcal{N} = 4 SYM theory on one side with the mathcal{N} = 1 Leigh-Strassler SCFT on the other. We construct a family of such solutions, which in general are associated with spatially dependent mass deformations on the mathcal{N} = 4 SYM side, but there is a particular solution for which these deformations vanish. We also construct a Janus solution with the Leigh-Strassler SCFT on either side of the interface. Gravitational solutions associated with superconformal interfaces involving ABJM theory and two d = 3 mathcal{N} = 1 SCFTs with G2 symmetry are also discussed and shown to have similar properties, but they also exhibit some new features.


  • Symmetry and N = 1 SCFTs with G2 global symmetry, which can be obtained from the SO(8) theory via an RG flow

  • The D = 5 gravity theory has two AdS5 solutions, LS±, related by the Z2 symmetry (2.7) and each dual to the LS SCFT; for definiteness we focus on LS+

  • In this paper we have constructed gravitational solutions that are dual to RG interface solutions and examined some of their properties

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Holographic renormalisation

For BPS configurations we see that for the ABJM side of an RG interface we can characterise both scalar sources using Y(s) and both expectation values can be determined from X(1). That is parametrised by the real constant ζ and with b real given by 3 + 12 6 − 30 7 3 − 12 + 9 b=± √ This mode is associated with the irrelevant operator O∆=1+ 6 acquiring an expectation value in the G±2 theory. For this side of the interface at r → −∞, which is y2 < 0 in the flat space boundary, using (3.15) we can define. The operator O∆=2+ 6 acquires an expectation value proportional to ζ

The solutions
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