
In this modern era of the rapid increase in population, a high rise in technology, and a large number of machinery installed, fuel demand has increased significantly. Non-renewable energies contribute a lot to producing energy worldwide, and that's why they are decreasing at an alarming rate. As an alternative, renewable energies have a high potential to solve this upcoming issue. In this paper, sunlight is utilized for the location of Islamabad, and an active solar tracker is designed. The objective is to develop a cost-effective system with low maintenance requirements. The tracking mechanism is modeled by two sensors, LDR and PV sensor. LDR sensor generates high resistance when light is incident on them, thus reducing the voltage production. PV sensors produce a voltage when sunlight is incident on them, and a voltage drop occurs if a shadow occurs. A thin plate between two LDR sensors or two PV sensors will cast a shadow according to the sun's position. It will create a voltage difference between the two sides, thus causing the system to track the sun. For smooth movement, a servomotor is an effective choice. The system is integrated with a microcontroller for a feedback system of output; Arduino Uno will regulate the uniform and accurate movement of the system. The research on azimuth and elevation angles for the location of an installment is also included in this paper. Different tests are performed for comparative study for both sensors to have performance analysis.

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