
Base oil corrosion temporary protective coatings were synthesized. These coatings contain of inhibitor agent, antioxidant agent, and base oil as main bed. Inhibitor agents were prepared by sulfonation of Iran traditional mineral base oils. Iran traditional base oils were SAE10, SAE30 and SAE40. They are sulfonated at different temperatures with oleume as reactive agent. Sulfonation efficiency and production quality of this process are evaluated in different conditions. Neutralization of sulfonate groups were complied with calcium hydroxide to achieved hydrophilic salt groups of calcium sulfonate. Final products are used as inhibitor agents in base oils to prepare temporary protective coatings. They are applied to 1020 steel panels by dipping method. Panels were coated by different percentage of final products in base oil, and examined for corrosion resistance efficiency in 100% relative humidity cabinet via ASTM D1784. Protection efficiency of formulated coatings was investigated, by determining MPY, time for observation of first stain of rust, and protection percentage after 240 h in humidity cabinet. The results obtained reveal that synthesized temporary corrosion protective coatings are very efficient. First stain of rust have been observed after 720 h in 100% relative humidity cabinet for the best temporary protective coating formulation.

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