
The purpose of this study was to obtain a package of compound fertilization on a double row system on growth, cane yield, sugar content, and sugar yield on first ratoon cane (RC1) in dry land. The research was conducted from January to October 2016 at Asembagus Research Station, Situbondo, East Java. Six treatments of fertilizer packages were arranged in a Randomized Block Design with four replications, consisting of standard fertilizer packages for a single row (6 quintal compound fertilizer NPK (15-15-15) + 5 quintals ZA) per ha, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 times the standard fertilizer package. The results showed that the highest RC1 sugarcane yield (138.57 t/ha) was achieved by fertilizing 8.4 compound fertilizer + 7 ZA (quintal/ha) or 1.4 times the standard dose, resulting in a 25.52% increase in sugarcane yield compared to standard fertilizer (110.40 t/ha). The sugar content did not differ among the treatments ranging from 9.2 to 10%. The highest sugar yield was 12.97 t/ha in line with sugarcane yield. This finding suggested the recommendation of a fertilizer package for a double row system in sugarcane.

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