
One of the major challenges in allogeneic stem cell transplantation is to find a balance between the harmful induction of graft-versus-host disease and the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia and pathogen-specific immune responses. Adoptive transfer of in-vitro generated donor T cells with specific anti-leukemic or pathogen-specific activity may be effective. However, in many cases this requires the in-vitro priming and expansion of antigen-specific precursor T cells from the naïve donor T-cell repertoire. Antigen-specific CD8 T cells were generated by co-culture of CD45RO-depleted, regulatory T cell-depleted donor peripheral blood mononuclear cells with autologous peptide-loaded dendritic cells, followed by two re-stimulations with peptide-loaded autologous monocytes. Responding T cells were isolated based on CD137 expression and further purified using peptide/major histocompatibility complex tetramers. Using this method we were able to reproducibly generate functionally high avidity T cells directed against multiple viral antigens and minor histocompatibility antigens from the naïve T-cell repertoire of seronegative, minor histocompatibility antigen-negative donors. Furthermore, we demonstrated that reduction of the regulatory T-cell frequency by depletion of CD45RO(+) responder cells resulted in improved priming and expansion of antigen-specific precursor T cells. In conclusion, we present a robust method for the in-vitro induction and isolation of antigen-specific T cells from the naïve repertoire. We demonstrate that the likelihood of successful generation of primary immune responses is determined by a delicate balance between the numbers of antigen-specific precursor T cells and the numbers and activation state of regulatory T cells locally at the site of priming of the immune response.

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