
The hemocyanin of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus has two major components sedimenting with approximate sedimentation coefficients of 17 S and 25 S. Molecular weight data based on light scattering and sedimentation equilibrium measurements at pH 7.8 suggest that the two components have molecular weights of approximately 450 000 and 900 000 in the presence of stabilizing Ca 2+. In the absence of Ca 2+, the molecular weights are found to be about 5% lower, suggesting some dissociation of the hemocyanin components. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion measurements in the far-ultraviolet region gave nearly identical spectra for the two components. Based on the reference parameters of Chen et al. (Chen, Y.H., Yang, J.T. and Martinez, H.M. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 4120—4131 and Chen, Y.H., Yang, J.T. and Chan, K.H. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 3350–3359), estimates of 16–20% α-helix, 40–60% β-structure, and 30–40% random organization were obtained for the two hemocyanin components. Exposure to 6 M Gdn HCl gave light scattering molecular weights of approx. 68 000 and 77 000, which is close to one-sixth of the molecular weight of the 17 S component. These results support the view that the two components of C. sapidus hemocyanin share the hexameric and dodecameric organization common to arthropod hemocyanins. The salts of the Hofmeister series and the ureas are found to dissociate the dodecameric component with the former exhibiting the usual order of effectiveness of NaCl, NaBr, NaI, and NaClO 4 dissociation, while the ureas show an inverse order of decreasing effectiveness in going from urea to methyl-, ethyl- and propylurea. This suggests that polar and ionic interactions are relatively more important than hydrophobic interactions for the stabilization of the dodecameric form of C. sapidus hemocyanin. The dissociation behavior of the 17 S hexameric species by GdnHCl in the 0–1.5 M concentration region (where essentially no denaturation occurs), based on light scattering molecular-weight measurements, is satisfactorily accounted for by equations describing the dissociation of hexamers to monomers.

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