
In 1989 and 1990, infection with subterranean clover mottle sobemovirus (SCMV) was widespread in subterranean clover ( Trifolium subterraneum L.) pastures in the south-west of Western Australia. The virus was detected in 61% of the pastures sampled and incidences of infection ranged from 1 to 50%. The virus was more common in old pastures than in pastures resown with newer cultivars during the preceeding 5 year period. When 12 isolates of SCMV were inoculated to subterranean clover plants grown in the glasshouse, symptoms varied from mild to severe. SCMV isolates P23 and F4 decreased the herbage dry weight of cw. Daliak and Woogenellup grown in plots as spaced plants by 81-88% while the Type isolate caused losses of 92%. By contrast, losses were 37-49% with cv. Karridale, a cultivar in which systemic infection was either delayed or prevented during winter. Infection decreased seed yield by c. 90% in cvv. Karridale and Woogenellup with all three isolates; seed weight was decreased 21-55%. A small proportion of cv. Woogenellup transplants outgrew the infection in new shoots during late spring to produce abundant healthy foliage. SCMV seed transmission rates in seed collected from infected transplants of cv. Woogenellup were 0.06, 0.07 and 0.43% for the Type, P23 and F4 isolates respectively. It was concluded that SCMV was present in most pastures, but at low incidences, and that it persists in them from year to year. Extended growing seasons and hard grazing are likely to increase its incidence.

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